


We are so excited for you to join 我们的 incoming class of faithful scholars! 这个页面 contains  most of the info you'll need so you can check it at y我们的 leisure and prepare 感谢你来到校园.


First and foremost, make sure you know how to log into y我们的 new UD邮件 address! Email is the primary mode of communication for y我们的 summer paperwork, and UD will 通过你的新@udallas和你联系.Edu邮箱地址. 请上车 定期检查的习惯! (你应该收到一封电子邮件后不久 带登录信息的存款. Look for a message 加上主题行 "Y我们的 personal UD邮件.")


The housing process (which includes selecting a roommate) will be completed through 我们的 eRezLife 门户网站, 你会在你的 校旗网页 页面. (This is just a sample of what you'll see on Banner). 埃雷兹让你填写 a roommate profile, build a roommate group and potentially choose a roommate. 你会 还有你在埃雷兹的住房合同. 你可以发邮件 studentaffairs@udallas. edu 埃雷兹问题. In you inbox, the eRez email subject line looks exactly like 这样的:  UD - eRezLife校园住房计划

如果你是 本地通勤学生,您将在eRezLife中填写通勤表. 


你可以登录你的 UD状态门户  and click on the Student Affairs link to see what forms you will need to fill out. 我鼓励你开始你的  健康的形式  (this requires a doctor’s appointment and is due July 1). 如果你有关于 how to complete the 健康的形式, I enc我们的age you to reach out to 我们的 health clinic at  udhealthclinic@saihospitalhaldwani.com   为指导! Also, if you plan on staying on y我们的 parents' health insurance plan, 您需要填写一份  保险弃权 . Once you complete this form, the $1,900 UD insurance bill will be removed from y我们的 账户. 最后,您需要填写  FERPA  waiver, which gives us permission to release y我们的 personal information (grades, etc...) 给你的父母.


Y我们的 student ID number is the 900 number you have received in multiple emails. 保持 这个数字随手可得(或者记住它)!),以便于今年夏天完成表格.


For y我们的 first semester only, you will not register for y我们的 classes until orientation. 相反,一个 选课调查 将由Dr. 在6月中旬或7月初通过电子邮件告知安德鲁斯. 请回应 to this survey with alacrity so that 我们的 academic dean can create a first semester 课程安排. This survey will ask you about y我们的 intended major (although “犹豫不决”完全没问题!),精通某些学科,有潜力 credit from 双重信用 classes and AP exams, preferred professors, class interests, 和更多的. With this information, you will be scheduled for a c我们的se load that fits y我们的 intended major (if decided) and enrolls you in the proper Core curriculum c我们的ses. You will get a preliminary schedule in late July/early August. 当你到达 orientation, you will have y我们的 "final" schedule in y我们的 move-in packet and y我们的 academic 顾问的名字. You will have the chance to meet with y我们的 advisor during orientation, and then, you will be able to tweak y我们的 schedule before classes begin.


在你高中毕业后(祝贺你)!),一定要有你的 高中毕业成绩单 送到UD. This needs to have a date of graduation and an official signature, as 以及你最后的累积绩点. (请注意,我们不会使用你的最终gpa 重新评估你的优秀奖学金). 

如果你已经 双重信用 while in high school, you can have y我们的 official transcripts sent from the awarding 机构注册办公室到特拉华大学.  列出了大学的通讯地址 在这条信息的签名中. 点击这里 for a general overview of which c我们的ses are likely or not likely to transfer in for 核心学分. 我们的转学顾问, 德国洛佩兹, handles 双重信用 evaluations in conjunction with the Dean's Office. 他会 sending an email out tomorrow with more detailed information on 双重信用 evaluations and how to receive them - please keep an eye out for his correspondence if you took 双重信用 classes in high school and are wondering how they will transfer to UD.

如果你选择了 美联社/ IB考试, make sure you have y我们的 scores 送到UD as well. 这里的信息 on how to send scores, and here’s information on what 你可以用你的分数获得学分.


您的第一张账单会在 6月初,付款日期为 8月1日. To make sure that the charges on y我们的 first bill are correct, please make sure to 完成以下内容. You can read all about setting up a five, f我们的, or three month 透过我们的 学生帐户服务页面.

  • Complete the scholarship acceptance form (linked to y我们的 UD Admission Status Portal).
  • Accept y我们的 need-based aid, if available, in UD’s BannerWeb. 以下是说明 关于如何做到这一点.
  • 完成验证过程, if 您被选中进行验证. If 您被选中进行验证, the "Financial 援助" tab of y我们的 checklist in y我们的 UD Admission Status Portal will list "Verification 工作表”作为必填项. For more information on verification, read the second 这一页的要点.
  • 选择退出: Waive UD’s medical insurance if y我们的 family has insurance and you intend to stay 关于他们的计划. 请参考我发的邮件 studentaffairs@saihospitalhaldwani.com  加上主题行 云顶集团 - Mandatory Student Insurance Information.
  • Optional: After accepting the federal loans in Banner, you will finalize the process by completing Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) at 热门产品.政府.
  • Optional: Waive the yearbook fee if you do not wish to order a yearbook. 下面是如何做到这一点.


  • 滚动到本页的后半部分 for a list of outside scholarships, organized by deadline. 本页还包括 instructions for reporting outside scholarships to the University.
  • 申请 耶鲁基金奖学金这是一项由2019届毕业生资助的新奖学金! 这是一次性的500美元奖学金. 申请截止日期 五月。 31st! 点击这里了解更多信息.


一定要把日期留到新生入住日! 所有的新生都会搬进他们的 residence halls in the morning on Friday, 8月1日8th. 迎新会从周五开始, 8月18日到8月22日. 学生事务处会寄给你一份 7月17日详细的迎新安排. 


需要营销? 去UD书店看看. 需要的书? 是的,你当然会的. 和你 may worry that since you won't get y我们的 schedule until August you won't have time 上课前. 但是你会的. 由于我们的很多核心课程都是经典课程, it will not be hard to find new and used books to rent or to buy. 


When you receive information about signing up for something called 银行移动, it's 不是骗局. It is the res我们的ce we use to provide students refunds should a refund 是必要的. 它是免费和安全的.